Monday 26 February 2018

Pumpkin Soup

I am learning to inform my audience by sharing and entertaining moment.

Have you ever gone to someone else’s house and not like what they served you for dinner? Well I have… my parents, my sister and I entered the house of dinner nightmares. The horrible pumpkin scent filled the whole house, it was like I was standing in a pumpkin farm. I normally love going to my grandad’s house… just not this time.

“SIENA, DINNER!” Dad roared out like a lion, I started to creep near the dinner table like it was a long creepy dull hallway and the pumpkiny smell was the horror character. As I finally got the dinner table I saw the sickening - vomit worthy pumpkin soup. I sat in my seat with an uncomfortable vibe, as everyone else devoured theirs meals like hungry pumpkin monsters!

My hand was shaking like an earthquake had hit, sweat on my forehead, my heart pounding like drums. I just couldn’t put it in my mouth, even when I wanted to get it done and dusted!!

There I was finally about to eat it… ENOUGH

I ended up drinking like 50 litres of water, avoiding the pumpkin soup. I’m so glad I was able to avoid one spoon entering my mouth. I hate pumpkin soup and I still do to this day.